Please visit our Pro Shop prior to your round to pay your green
and competition fees.
Bookings are encouraged for ALL hire equipment,
particularly electric cart hire with a limited number available.
Book your round online or call the Pro Shop on 9192 2092.
Social Golf
Competition Golf
Peak times
Whether you are playing competition golf, social golf or have a go opportunity, please be aware of peak times. Here are a few tips to keep the field of play moving.
Many factors contribute to pace of play such as how many golfers are on the course at the time, the skill level of the golfers in the group, the length between each hole, whether you are walking or riding (and riding the cart efficiently), the difficulty of the course and weather conditions.
An average round of 18 holes with four players all walking on a weekend could take up to four hours and 45 minutes.
We should all take a moment to enjoy the outdoors, exercise and enjoy an uninterrupted few hours with friends and a drink afterwards. Below are some tips on how you may assist with speed of play when the course is busy during peak times.
A few tips to assist you on the golf course for speeding up your round:
Play ready golf – you don’t need to always play the traditional format of the player farthest from the hole play first. Whoever is ready to go, let them hit. Of course, you should advise your playing partners on the 1st tee if you are happy to play this way. This can save up to 25 minutes per round.
Riding in a cart – I know we all want to see our friend hit their shot in the comfort of the golf cart seat, but this takes additional time. Drop the player off to their ball and then proceed to your ball.
Stopping at hole end – ensure you are keeping up with the group in front and not stopping for a long period of time at the completion of each hole.
Play at times which suit your level of golf – if you're a beginner to the game (we have all been there), try to play in some of the quieter periods rather than in the middle of a busy Saturday or Sunday morning or change up your social game to suit your ability, with a pick up or moving forward to the next hole. This of course should be discussed with your playing partners on the 1st tee and is not applicable during competitions where standard rules of golf apply.